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This is a great game – an excellent follow-up to Tut-Tut.

I've spotted a couple of typos, though!

1. "BARCELET" on the list of scores
2. "KNOSSOS" on the list of objectives – inconsistent with KNOSSOSS elsewhere.

To be honest, I'm not sure about the title itself, as I thought there was only one S at the end of both Minos and Knossos (so point 2 technically isn't an error), but maybe there's some cunning reason for the extra Ss in the title. Anyway, point 2 is still an inconsistency.

Trivialities, I know, but I thought I'd point them out. 'Barcelet' is definitely a typo worth correcting.

Thanks Richard. And thanks for spotting the spelling. I've fixed the Bracelet. The extra Ss in the title are intentional, but did figures I should spell the actual palace name correctly somewhere.

Saw this on Vil's YouTube channel, I look forward to giving it a go, it looks excellent. Cheers.

Is an excellent video and intro to Minoss Knossoss. Enjoy, and let me know how you get on with the game.